Biden Could Reverse Six Harmful Israel Policies...with the only power that stops Israel’s lobby - January 20, 2021Public confrontations with the
Israel lobby’s systemic encroachments are the only means for
politicians to beat it. In 2020 Minnesota Representative
Betty McCollum
stopped a massive coordinated Israel lobby media smear
campaign in its tracks by accurately labeling AIPAC as a
“hate group.” Biden has the power to do the same, but
unfortunately his entire career has been in servitude to
injustice when it comes to Israel Palestine.
Absent from the announced Biden 100-day
program are any proposed reversals of Israel policies
implemented by the Trump administration that seriously harm
the United States and rest of the world. Rolling back those
policies would require bucking the American Israel Public
Affairs Committee (AIPAC) which closely coordinates its
activities with the Israeli government. One way to corral
AIPAC would be to actually enforce the 1962 Department of
Justice order that AIPAC
register as an
Israeli foreign agent. An easier and more proven tactic to
disentangle the U.S. from harmful Israel lobby policies is
going public with grievances. George H.W. Bush did it when
fighting to withhold loan guarantees to Israel which was
continuing to build settlements on Palestinian land. Barack
Obama also did it in a speech when he laid out the facts. By
opposing the JCPOA, or Iran nuclear deal, Israel and its
lobby were essentially demanding that the U.S. go to war
with Iran, claimed Obama. Americans overwhelmingly agreed
with him. If Israel and its lobby decide to whip up another
phony crisis, Biden could immediately take it to the court
of public opinion rather than suffer in silence. A long public and private battle
against AIPAC—which has become
increasingly belligerent over the decades—could create
breathing room for pursuing productive, rather than
exclusively Israeli, policies in the Middle East.
Knesset member briefs AIPAC’s Board of Directors on January
12, 2021, Source: Twitter The Trump policies that Biden could
immediately reverse include: Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem.
Images of Ivanka and Jared Kushner alongside the smug
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin celebrating the relocation
of the US Embassy to Jerusalem were juxtaposed against
horrifying video of Israeli deadly force against Palestinian
protesters. The move was a long-term coercive Israel lobby
program that began with the
Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, requiring administrations
to jump through hoops to constantly justify why they refused
to flout international law to bestow legitimacy to Israeli
efforts to block Palestinian claims on the city. The Biden
administration could reverse the move and—since former
embassy properties were sold off to an
Israel lobby donor to burn bridges—reestablish a modest
and reduced embassy and residence in Tel Aviv commensurate
with Israel’s marginal—if not entirely negative—strategic
and economic value to the United States. Extorting Arab countries to
recognize Israel. The so-called “Abraham Accords” are a
joint Israel/lobby program whereby the U.S. extorts Arab
countries to recognize and give trade benefits to Israel in
exchange for being removed from U.S. terrorist watch lists,
taxpayer funded aid packages and relief from U.S. pressures.
The program’s key goal is to undermine Arab solidarity with
Palestinians so they can be further dispossessed and
marginalized by Israel. Normalization—signed with autocrats
who enjoy virtually no legitimacy within their countries—is
wildly unpopular with the “Arab street” according to
polling across the region. The accords only fortify
regional beliefs that U.S. regional policy is unjust, the
very beliefs that led directly to the 9/11 attacks. US participation in Israeli “nuclear
ambiguity.” Desmond Tutu, a Nobel peace laureate, former
archbishop of Cape Town and, from 1996 to 2003, chair of
South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission
has called on Biden to halt the most damaging
Israel/lobby nuclear proliferation policy. On December 31,
2020 Tutu called on Biden to stop obscuring Israel’s nuclear
weapons development program and deployed arsenal which
allows “Israel to dictate terms to others.” The arsenal
sustains Israeli apartheid against the Palestinians, charges
Tutu, while making the country the unlawful recipient to
U.S. foreign aid. The stance, which only benefits Israel,
undermines U.S. moral authority on nuclear
non-proliferation. Americans also generally support
cutting all U.S. foreign aid to Israel when polled. US recognition of Golan Heights as
part of Israel. On March 25, 2019 Donald Trump issued a
presidential proclamation claiming that Syria’s Golan
Heights is part of the state of Israel. Israel seized the
territory after launching the 1967 Six-Day War and has been
colonizing it ever since. The
diktat has no international legitimacy and was condemned by
the UN, EU, UK and most major countries. Since the
proclamation, Israel has accelerated encroachments on
Golan’s remaining population in order to expropriate
untapped energy resources. Israeli annexation of the West Bank.
Israel came close to annexing and receiving U.S.
recognition of a similarly unlawful seizure of the West
Bank. Israel instead acquiesced to the “Abraham Accords”
while continuing de facto settlement, exploitation of
resources and displacement of the indigenous population.
Israel retains the option to formally annex in the near
future. The Biden administration should return to the proper
and traditional US posture of opposing illegal Israeli
settler colonization of stolen land. Biden’s party supports
cutting aid to Israel whenever it engages in illegal acts
and a plurality of Americans
do not support Israeli annexation. Assassination of Foreign Leaders.
“Since World War II Israel has assassinated more people than
any other country in the Western world.” Though many Israeli
assassinations have been well-documented, some are
unattributed according to Ron Bergman, author of the
presumptuously titled “Rise
and Kill First.” US assassination of foreign leaders
was banned after the 1975 Church Committee uncovered a
raft of CIA plots to kill foreign leaders. Though
continually challenged by subsequent administrations, in
2020 Donald Trump flouted the US assassination ban and
brought the US down to Israel’s level by killing Israeli
rival Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian major general in the
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The U.S. should return to
refusing to assassinate foreign leaders, no matter how great
the Israeli/lobby pressure to do so. Public confrontations with the Israel
lobby’s systemic encroachments are the only means for
politicians to beat it. In 2020 Minnesota Representative
Betty McCollum
stopped a massive coordinated Israel lobby media smear
campaign in its tracks by accurately labeling AIPAC as a
“hate group.” Biden has the power to do the same, but
unfortunately his entire career has been in servitude to
injustice when it comes to Israel Palestine. Biden’s unconditional support for
Israel has spanned his entire half-century career as a
politician. He helped usher through the $38 billion
unconditional Obama administration aid package while
embracing Israel lobby tropes that Palestinians could not
avail themselves of the International Court of Justice or
other means because it would jeopardize the mythical
“two-state solution.” Most damning of all, Biden was a key
supporter of the disastrous U.S. invasion of Iraq, an event
that Israel and its US lobby strongly promoted. Senate
hearings on the matter were stacked with warmongers and
pseudo experts. No opponents were allowed to present facts. Biden administration Middle East policy
begins today with his chosen Secretary of State’s
affirmation that the U.S. embassy
will stay in Jerusalem. Americans should therefore
remain deeply skeptical that much will improve in US Middle
East policy under a president long beholden to a foreign
power, its US lobby and unwilling to use the most effective
tool at his disposal.
Grant F. Smith
is the director of the
Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy
in Washington and the author of the 2016 book
Big Israel: How Israel’s
Lobby Moves America, available in paperback and
audio book.